AccessFlora offers a simple biomanufacturing solution for improving shellfish aquaculture production conditions. This system is incorporated directly into existing aquaculture production, and serves three main functions:

  • providing additional feed

  • improved water quality (oxygen up, nitrogen levels down)

  • decreases risk of contamination and harmful algae in production

each of which promotes the health of the shellfish

Farmers need to treat shrimp farming wastewater before it is disposed to the environment...
the technology requires special energy and expertise, and requires a lot of investment capital. Based on this, easy, cheap, and effective technology is needed in handling shrimp aquaculture wastewater.
— Wati; JALA
Live feeds (algae and artemia) are an important basic diet for newly hatched shrimp larvae...
Formulated feeds have a similar composition to microalgae and zooplankton with high levels of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, pigments like astaxanthin, highly unsaturated fatty acids
— Skretting
Maintaining good water quality is vital for various reasons. Good water quality creates favourable conditions for shrimp growth. Reducing the amounts of ammonia and organic particles reduces diseases risks. It should also reduce environmental pollution from waste water from shrimp farms.
Shrimp ponds receive large volumes of nutrients from feed… resulting in harmful algal blooms
— Alune